Definitely headed to Hollywood

August can be a slow time in Washington (though a great time to go to the beach or climbing). But there was still one particularly fun job this month.
Rachel, a friend's daughter, apparently had an "in" to try out for a movie role. The understanding was that it would help if she looked a bit like Ellen Page, the star of 2007's Oscar-winning "Juno," only maybe even a bit younger. So Rachel (and her hopeful stage-mom, Dede) came over and we did some photos.
Rachel looked great throughout the shoot. The fun part was watching the mood change. She started out looking like a young teen, a la Ellen, then - through a simple borrowed shirt and combed hair - slowly morphing into a much more sophisticated young woman.
Good luck with the role, Rachel. And remember: tickets for me and my Dad!
Labels: portraits, strobe, strobe portraits
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